5. 威廉·博德曼(Willem Bodeman)的《冬季风景与冰上的伐木者》(A Winter Landscape With Woodgathers On The Ice) 高清作品[94%]

A Winter Landscape With Woodgatherers On The <em>Ice</em>-

图片文件尺寸 : 3400 x 2608px

威廉·博德曼(Willem Bodeman)的《冬季风景与冰上的伐木者》(A Winter Landscape With Woodgathers On The Ice)-Willem Bodeman

A Winter Landscape With Woodgatherers On The Ice--Willem Bodeman (荷兰, 1806-1880)

下载威廉·博德曼(Willem Bodeman)的《冬季风景与冰上的伐木者》(A Winter Landscape With Woodgathers On The Ice)大图

7. 查尔斯·汉密尔顿·史密斯的《北景斯匹兹卑尔根冰雪中的多丽亚》(The Doreathea Nipped in The Ice off Spitzbergen,North View) 高清作品[91%]

The Doreathea Nipped in the <em>Ice</em> off Spitzbergen, North View-

图片文件尺寸 : 4096 x 3021px

查尔斯·汉密尔顿·史密斯的《北景斯匹兹卑尔根冰雪中的多丽亚》(The Doreathea Nipped in The Ice off Spitzbergen,North View)-Charles Hamilton Smith

The Doreathea Nipped in the Ice off Spitzbergen, North View--Charles Hamilton Smith (英国, 1776-1859)

下载查尔斯·汉密尔顿·史密斯的《北景斯匹兹卑尔根冰雪中的多丽亚》(The Doreathea Nipped in The Ice off Spitzbergen,North View)大图

8. 克里斯托弗·范登·伯格(Christoffel van den Berghe)的《冬季风景与溜冰运动员和想象城堡》(A Winter Landscape with Ice Skitters and A Imaginary Castle) 高清作品[91%]

A Winter Landscape with <em>Ice</em> Skaters and an Imaginary Castle-

图片文件尺寸 : 3998 x 2364px

克里斯托弗·范登·伯格(Christoffel van den Berghe)的《冬季风景与溜冰运动员和想象城堡》(A Winter Landscape with Ice Skitters and A Imaginary Castle)-Christoffel van den Berghe

A Winter Landscape with Ice Skaters and an Imaginary Castle--Christoffel van den Berghe (荷兰, 1590-1628)

下载克里斯托弗·范登·伯格(Christoffel van den Berghe)的《冬季风景与溜冰运动员和想象城堡》(A Winter Landscape with Ice Skitters and A Imaginary Castle)大图